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Set up the privacy framework of your clinical trials  and get advice on patient engagement

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Let us take care of all the required documentation
to make your trial fully compliant
and to devise a compelling engagement plan.

Trial Guardrails

Set up the legal requirements to accelerate your trial.

Retention Management

Implement patient engagement plans to increase retention.

Privacy implementation

We provide expert resources to evaluate your firm’s privacy preparadeness and to develop procedures and policies to handle GDPR requirements. This will accelerate the start-up of your clinical trials in Europe.

Our experts can provide the following services:

  • Privacy Policies
  • Data Processing Agreements
  • Processing Activities Registry
  • Data Privacy Impact Assessment
  • Compliance with legal obligations for companies with no EU/UK establishment
  • Data Transfer Impact Assessment
  • Data Transfer Agreement

Patient Engagement

Patient dropout is a costly problem for clinical trial sponsors, who have consequently focused their attention on patient retention factors and on its corollary, patient engagement. It is widely believed that patients’ early and continued involvement throughout a study can indeed prevent dropout and lead to faster time to market at lower costs. To respond to that patient retention need, Allyfe can devise a specific engagement plan for your clinical trial.

What does the plan encompass?

  • segmenting of patients by profile and by dropout risk, based on assessment questions within the prescreening questionnaire.
  • programming of interactions with patients throughout the clinical trial journey, thanks to the built-in messaging tools of the platform. Interactions will be devised in collaboration with research staff and executed by Allyfe according to plan throughout the duration of the clinical trial.

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Thank you for your interest in our product. We will get back to you soon and communicate the next steps.

Best Regards, The Allyfe Team.
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